April marked for us the launch of the YSEI Lab! A project aimed at fostering active citizenship, a sense of initiative, and social entrepreneurship among young people by providing them with the opportunity, support, tools, and knowledge to virtually collaborate with their European peers on eco-innovation ideas and projects.

Our project is also highly relevant to the horizontal KA2 priority of “Environment and fight against climate change” as within the YSEI Lab young people will be working on social eco-innovative ideas and projects across 3 key thematic areas: Saving Resources (saving energy and water, recycling, reuse of resources); Reducing Personal Carbon Footprint (strategies to decrease the negative effect from humans’ lifestyle about CO2 emissions, i.e., eating habits, transport choices, heating, cooking, working ); Preserving Biodiversity (supporting sustainable farming, saving rare species, preserving local habitats, nurturing ecosystems and genetic diversity).

And who are we? Four NGOs from three European countries – TERRA Millennium III Foundation & CREFOP Foundation from Romania, Social Innovators from Bulgaria, and BEST Institute, Austria.

Our main outcome will be an open-access online collaborative platform for creating social & eco-innovations led by young Europeans.

Нашите дейности са:

  • Стартиране и пилотиране на Лаборатория за социални еко-иновации
  • 15 виртуални колаборативни работилници
  • 3 идеи за проекти за социални еко-иновации, генерирани в рамките на проекта
  • 3 проучвания на процеса на сътрудничество, ефективността на лабораторията и опита на младежките работници
  • Customized online training course for youth workers on how to foster active citizenship, initiative, and entrepreneurship among young people in the field of social eco-innovation and how to facilitate virtual collaboration between young people
  • Кампания за разпространение

The project is developed within the Erasmus+ program, carried out by the European Commission for education, training, youth, and sport.

You can find us on the web here: https://youthsociallab.eu/

And also on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100094508477384

Категории: YSEI Lab